
Tooth Kick

I felt that my daughter experience of extracting her tooth can be related to the our efforts needed to attain goal in life. I would like to call it "Tooth kick". Extracting the tooth is really a painful experience for child , as it need constantly encourage from parent  and worrisome also if tooth was not taken out on time.We can relate this with our struggle and process that we feel while we are trying to achieve our goals. We can think of this as our strategy(push) to accomplish our work. It will work for someone but for others it become boring and frustrating as trying the same thing again and again without getting any output, like a spiral going round and round. Coming back to tooth problem, if we need to extract it, we need a sudden push , lets call it "Tooth Kick" it can be felt suddenly while eating ,or intentionally push from outside .This is point tooth comes out.Hurrah!!! Again to relate it with our goals , we need  a "Tooth kick" that can help u